📚 Resonate Docs: Providing documentation for Resonate’s tech assets

I’ve built out a docs/wiki website for our tech assets for our software developers.

Right now it automatically imports the Readmes from all of Resonate’s public code repositories of any significance and lays them out in a sequential and digestible fashion. This way, when we update the Readme on an existing repository, this wiki will also update (I believe we just need to run ‘USE_SSH=true yarn deploy’ from inside the repository directory and it downloads the updated Readmes and pushes out an updated build to the website). Kudos to @jeremy for the help researching and recommending documentation libraries that would be suitable for this.

We’ll want to improve upon this and expand on what’s here. This is just a first iteration and first step.

Here’s the repository. Feel free to create issues/pull requests if you see anything that needs changing, or discuss it in this thread.

Also, if you’re interested in seeing an overview of how this work is progressing, please check out the Kanban-style Project Board for the repository.


This is so great! Thank you to everyone who has contributed here!

@Hakanto @piper @peter @auggod @Nick_M @angus @merefield @jeremy @jackhajb @psi @boopboop @Timothee @replygirl @alexcrane @onapoli @fgblomqvist @datafruits @marie @pando

Who am I missing?


This is fucking AMAZING.

We have needed this for YEARS.



Great work, Peter!


Today, four newly open-sourced Resonate repositories were added to the docs website! :tada:

User color preferences are respected (if you load up the docs website while your computer or phone are in dark mode the website will load in dark mode):

The navigation bar now includes a clickable GitHub logo button that takes you to our GitHub organization, rather than just a text link that says GitHub:


Another update went live moments ago: an Edit this page button has been added to the bottom of each set of instructions so users can easily update/modify/add to the instructions as they see fit by submitting a pull request via the link. We want to make updating our documentation as easy as possible, and I think this is a great first step!


As of today, we now have search functionality as well! :tada: Check it out:


Killing it @piper, really putting in the motivation for writing better docs in our repos.


In accordance with our recent decision to simplify the tech stack and create a functional development environment, I’ve completed the majority of the tasks involved in updating our docs to reflect these decisions.

The most significant changes of the changes can be seen on the Overview page:

The intro has also changed to feature beam as our primary front-end client for future development, and the navigation on the left-hand side has been re-organized to suit our current priorities regarding active development. Big kudos to @matt_burnett for his contributions to the git-workflow section!

I’ve also taken an initial stab at providing example API calls here, which was something that I believe @boopboop suggested at one point. These could eventually be made more focused and trimmed down probably. As it stands now, because beam will be updated to match changes that occur in the api repository, this will be an easy way to keep our docs website up to date, as it pulls directly from beam’s latest Api.ts file.

These are pretty significant changes, so if anyone has any suggestions regarding any of this, and in particular ways we could improve some of the wording of the overview section, it would be welcome!