Online Governance Research Grant - Deadline June 15

Interesting opportunity forwarded from @nati and @ntnsndr. Perhaps a member could seek funding for a research project of benefit to the co-op?

"This project aims to open the spaces between the visible and the layered, nuanced particularities of specific communities and platforms, through a collaborative excavation of what it means to make and be community on the Internet today. We hope to explore governance challenges including, but not limited to:

  • Accountability for how platforms organize work and personal data
  • Participatory design and consent
  • Building and sustaining communities
  • Resolving rule violations and conflicts
  • Overseeing algorithmic decision making

We invite creators to explore possible futures for Internet governance, drawing inspiration from non-digital sources of experience including:

  • Indigenous practices exploited, ignored, or suppressed by colonizers
  • Historical democratic practices that have been absent from more recent governance norms
  • Emergent innovations in subcultures past or present
  • Imaginations of future governance from science/speculative fiction
  • Rituals of community in conversation with rituals of justice systems"

@charlie_B @sarinapl @Fabsozlo @shibco

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“Indigenous practices exploited, ignored, or suppressed by colonizers”

This is interesting. I would be interested. My intention is to take a look at this further.

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