Fundraising Results since Dec 28 with Z driving Twitter

Speaks for itself.

5 Likes Can your technique be taught?

Should we audition folks to cover Twitter shifts?


@Hakanto can’t post a reply to this topic… can you see any reason why that would be so?



Can comment now.

What was the fix, @Hakanto?


The new Members category is intended to be a place which anyone can read, but only co-op members can post. The permissions were set as such, however, we haven’t yet plugged together the new ID server, Member Register, and forum accounts. Until we do, the forum itself doesn’t have up-to-date records yet of who is a member and who isn’t – and it didn’t have a record of Z as a member.

To fix it, I changed the permissions to allow anyone to post in this area. If we change to the members-only format in the future, we’ll need better signposting to inform users how the Members category works.

3 Likes , glad you’re hopefully able to hop in the forum more!

Just wanted to share a random tweet thread idea that popped into my head.

It’s a really rough draft that should be reviewed for proper tone and accuracy (among other things), but feel free to do with it what you will.

P.S. I wouldn’t mind getting a bit more involved with Resonate’s socials, but I’ve been pretty busy with work lately, so it would probably be best for me to just throw ideas and things in the forum and work on strategies and things more spontaneously when i have the time, if that would be helpful. Thanks!


"One of the main reasons we hear as to why people aren’t using Resonate is that we don’t have any artists on our platform that they know.

Although our catolog is always a work in progress, we wanted to mention a few things:

  1. Despite not having artists you may know, or feel comfortable with, we already have an amazing catalog of artists that are currently on the platform encompassing a multitude of music genres. In our case, you sometimes just have to dig a bit deeper to find them. Kind of like in the old days having to dig through records at the record store to find those hidden gems :wink: Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and experience what several other talented artists have available on Resonate…you never know what you’ll find that may change your tune!
  • Side Note: If you happen to find something that you like, SHARE IT! We believe that the beauty of music isn’t just in the relationship between the creator and the listener, but it’s also about the bonds that are formed between people who use music for building deeper connections with one another. Start finding those treasures, and sharing them with the world!
  1. In today’s fast-paced world, we understand that “(digital) crate-digging” isn’t for everyone, but that’s why we need YOUR help even more! By donating to Resonate, you would help us support our dev team that is currently gearing up to bring our artist upload tool to life! This would mean that any artist, from anywhere, and at any time could upload their own music to the Resonate platform for everyone to listen to.

So, if you want to solve your own problem and help Resonate bring the artists you love to our platform, do the following:

  1. Donate to Resonate (and tell others to do the same) so we can finalize our upload tool!

  2. Once the upload tool is completed, reach out to your favorite artists and groups to encourage them to join the Resonate platform!

  3. Listen away, and let us know how we can continue to improve! We are always looking to get better, and you can converse with REAL PEOPLE in our community forum 24/7 to help us do just that!

It’s that simple!

Use the link below to support us in our vision, and you’ll be able to help build the future of the fair and equitable music streaming service that everyone has always wanted!

Support - Resonate "