Dev volunteers needed to build the Resonate Ecosystem


If you’re reading this, you’re probably interested in volunteering as a developer for the cooperatively-owned streaming platform, Resonate, and are looking for next steps, permission, a good first task, or current projects. You are in the right place.

A bit about the lay of the land: check out the Overview section of the docs to get a bird’s eye view of our tech stack. Browse our Documentation website for a complete guide to existing Resonate tech assets and its community-backed open source ecosystem.

What’s new

  • Bi-weekly Product Check-ins every other Wednesday – you’re invited!
  • Setup of Mattermost, a chat space for work contributors to coordinate
  • Open sourcing of previously closed repos on Github
  • We’ve migrated off Wordpress, so contributing to the code is easier
  • A new tech documentation site
  • A public Product Backlog, so folks can see which dev work is being prioritized
  • Start of the Maintainer Collective, a group of devs here who can help you get involved


To get involved, you can reach out to the @maintainers. Tag them on any post and they’ll come say hi sooner than later!

Beyond the Player

The Resonate ecosystem is in dire need of developer volunteers to build with our API, to build apps that use our API, and give us feedback on what works and what doesn’t from a developer ecosystem point of view. For the moment, it is most practical to focus our ecosystem efforts on the listener side of the Resonate experience.

Aside from helping us get started with the themes in our current Supported Proposals, example projects that we would be motivated to get involved with:

  • Any sort of prototype mobile streaming app (get weird with the aesthetic)

  • Listener dashboard, similar to early myspace

  • Tools to allow listeners with similar play histories or musical interests to find each other

  • Support for listeners who subscribe to artists for live virtual events and exclusive material

  • Support for decentralized tools (like scuttlebutt) to support the listener ecosystem

Community Support

If you have built something with the Resonate API, please feel encouraged to share it in the forum in the Ecosystem category. If you’re looking for a volunteer to help build or test your project, please reach out and we will try to get the word out, if not test it out ourselves.

If you get stuck and aren’t sure if it’s you or us, make a GitHub issue.

If you need a change to the Resonate API to improve or add a feature to your project, please make a post in Proposals (see current supported proposals), and it will enter the backlog of proposals for community discussion, or be integrated into the existing roadmap.


Ecosystem Space in Forum


GitHub: Resonate Player

Resonate Tech Documentation

GitHub: Resonate Website

GitHub: Resonate ID Server

Co-op Credentials - Discussion of Reference Implementations

GitHub: Co-op Credentials


Hello! I’ve been following your work for a little bit and I’m interested in making contributions (during my free time). Do you have a contributing doc for potential contributors? Thanks!


Welcome @tagine! We have a Contributing doc here. Tackling any of the issues in this repository labeled as help wanted would be a huge help. If you have any questions or need more information, please don’t hesitate to ask! :slight_smile:


I want to add this here because I had no idea until @piper pointed it out to me, but on the API documentation page there is a whole lot more details that you have to select in the dropdown in the top right. Awesome!


@psi Important note. The updated api is now at /v3. You’ll see that a few services have been removed.

The player is still using /v2 at the moment.

As a third party service, the right way to get a token is to use the resonatecoop/id server. I can register new clients if you’d like to go that way.

The v1 password auth system will be taken down very soon.


Updated the original topic :arrow_heading_up:


@psi @piper Could you add me to mattermost? Got some questions regarding the current state of the resonatecoop/api, namely around api/v3/artists/featured and api/v3/user/playlists.



DMing you!

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I might be able to help. I see it is a JS API and I do a lot of that work. I’m starting my own tech based co-op and would like to learn more about your process in return.


I’ll DM you!