8tracks shutting down

I mentioned this in the past that Resonate could be ready to mutualize failing music startups. Looks like it might be a lost opportunity.

Once things stabilize a growth plan based on aggregation might be something to consider. That’s how Cisco grew well in the early years as they were very efficient at ingesting startups.


Om weighs in

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Solid call, Paul.

Really interesting opportunity! With their streaming shut down at end 2019, and in their current format they seem to be pointing their playlists at youtube as the player for 2020. There’s clearly a community of users and curators there who might be interested in Resonate membership, and a talented team who might yet have the energy to work in a co-operative model? Maybe we could add open playlisting that points to streamers that offer fairer revenues to smaller artists (NOT youtube by default) … a blend of ‘home’ and ‘foreign’ curation that does its best to ‘play fair’?

The general point about growth by aggregation is well made. As you suggest, we need a lot more stabilisation before we could offer mutualisation by some form of ‘corporate ingestion’… but maybe we could offer a trial ‘partnership’ model and cross-community guidance / resource pooling if they were still up for it?

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