11 Practical Steps Towards Healthy Power Dynamics at Work

Some of my core passions at the co-op are democratization and making the co-op comprehensible and welcoming. As the co-op grows in size and complexity, there’s a lot to think about and experiment with when it comes to recognizing the agency of those here and fostering healthy collaboration.

I’ve been delving into these topics regularly at a deep level. However, this short and focused article remains one of my favorite (and most practical) resources.

The list, in brief:

  1. Encourage your peers
  2. Discourage permission-seeking
  3. Create practice spaces
  4. Find your mentors
  5. Rotate roles
  6. Break the power taboo
  7. Name the different levels of engagement
  8. Explicit & limited decision-making mandates
  9. Practice consent-decision making
  10. Celebrate dissent
  11. Share the ownership